Our daughter Isabelle Iris was born at 1.45am Sunday 4th September 2011 in Ipswich Hospital, weighing 7lb 13oz and measuring 52cm long.
The name ‘Isabelle’ was plucked out of thin air by baby’s mum, and is the most perfect name for such a pretty little girl. The name ‘Iris’ came about partly because we wanted something horticultural in baby’s name, and also because it means rainbow, which is just kinda pretty!
In reality our youngling will be called ‘Issy’ by those who love her.
If you want the full gory details read THIS POST...
P.S I didn’t get around to posting this ‘notice’ until today because we’ve been a bit busy looking after Issy to post to this blog!
P.P.S Issy's 'punk name' is Izzy Isis Culture
Beautiful - and a beautiful name, too! Congratulations to all three of you. Enjoy every minute of it x