Today was what we all thought was the twelve week scan, but as it turns out it was in fact a nine week scan. The staff at the hospital were all friendly, and Em didn’t complain too much that she had to cultivate a very full bladder for the purposes of the scan.
I watched on the small screen as the nice lady showed me my darling wife’s innards, and the first shock I got was when I thought the scanner was showing me a huge grinning mouth, but it wasn’t our child, probably just Em’s wee reserve.
When the nice lady found our baby I was shocked that it really does look like a little person, sort of, if you squint, and use your imagination. I was pointing excitedly at the screen and identifying legs and a big head when the baby surprised us all by doing a little dance, although I guess I’d shuffle about a fair bit if a large inward dent suddenly appeared in my ken!
Em and I were both a little relieved to find out that we’re not having twins, and even more relieved when the nice lady pointed out that our youngun has a healthy beating heart! I thought I had come to terms with the fact that I’m going to be a dad, but see the little dear wiggling about really drive that home.
It felt slightly weird having to pop five pound coins in a vending machine in the waiting room (to pay for our copy of the scan) but I guess a lot is about to start feeling weird, like the fact we now know our baby is currently 24mm long.
I’m still on a high as I sit and write this a few hours later, a feeling backed up by something that happened in Capel St.Mary Co-op...
After a site visit to one of my clients I nipped into the local Co-op to buy some beer for a party we’re going to tomorrow night. While I waiting in line to be served at the Co-op when I overheard two old dears talking about Valentines day and having a little moan about husbands in general. Feeling chatty (as I often am) I piped up and told them that us husbands aren’t so bad. They turned and looked at me with surprise, and lady A told me I didn’t look old enough to be a husband, so I replied saying that not only am I a thirty four year old husband, but I’m also a 34 year old father to be! There was much muttering between the two old dears and lady B told me that she ‘should have gone to specsavers’. Then to cap it all the lady behind the till asked me for ID to prove I’m old enough to buy beer!
So we’ve got to back for the twelve week scan in three week’s time. What a day!
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